
Pre-Jury-Jury Reactions

I apologize to all for leaving but it was an emergency or I would not have left. I'm very glad we had this pre-jury-jury and I wish I could have seen the others because I think we're really gaining momentum and showing direction. I have been designing too much in my head still, being too careful to make everything presentable and as a result I haven't gotten to the models and perspectives which make this a real project to the jurors. I also need to clearly outline what the physical pragmatic constraints of underwater construction / architecture are. Andrew pointed out that this can be very straight forward and because the experiential aspects are entirely different. I feel that this relates to the dual nature of this project that has interested me all along and will help me show that I intend to merge the performative engineering side with the experiential poetics to create the architecture. This poetic experience however cannot be realized without a narrative. In addition to experience this gives the dimensions of the modules legitimacy showing that they can indeed fit the program in a comfortable way.

The scribble of a site plan, program level-list, and repair maintenance robotics will be enlarged and clarified for thursday along with the narrative perspectives. As Lisa pointed out it is better to show the best example of each system rather than working out the entire project to a lesser degree. In that line of thought, the perspective become a background for overlaying the information (plan, section, detail, 3D view) about each module which facilitates that experience. Hopefully with the jury upcoming we can discuss which parts of the project hold the most potential for being taking to larger scales and worked out in more detail.

Narrative Perspectives for Thursday: Surface Port Entry> Main Coral Level Lobby / Divers> Topside Courtyard> Housing Unit> Deep Laboratory> Solo Cathedral Pod

Also the NOAA's (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association) IOOS (Integrated Ocean Observing System) Diagram which I forgot to present last night will help put this in a scientific context.

The overall structure of the presentation can then be first pragmatic and then the experiential one of the user and follow the narrative I have layed out above. Perfomance + Experience as Design + Affect.

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